
In My Dreams

In My Dreams




appear confident and proud

Seven years worked in yueyang, often have friends come to visit, I often take him to the old town after nightfall dry clear temple snack street to eat food taken late at night. This street is at the gate of the yueyang 3, street is not long, narrow, is low shabby houses on both sides. Here is very quiet during the day, night is diners gathered the city that never sleeps. I often go to the shop named tianbao, says it is a small, small refers to its stores, store up to two meters wide, the door half with a hearth, crayfish, keeping for processing, the other half to diners and waiters who pass by mask house.

Shop no delicate MenBian, only the wood frame with paint "tianbao" two words from the crooked. Into the shop, after know a big bucket, seven, eight turn, three layers from top to bottom, are all converted house restaurant, a total of more than 30 platform. Don't look at shop, fame are big, tianbao braised shrimp tail oil, brine pig's feet, ducks head, halogen thousand, Fried lotus root tip are famous, such as that patrons are welcome. Incredibly tianbao business boom, the guest walked to dinner often need to send someone for seats, otherwise, must stand in someone else's desk waiting, stay left rear can sit satiated with food and others. YueYangRen often proud of can often eat shrimp to tianbao, outsiders to yueyang eat midnight snack not tianbao is white. Middle-aged shopkeeper is a fat, bald and often Fried cooked in front of the stove with bare arms, quick and focused manner, appear confident and proud mask house.

Tianbao go far, to know there is more than food to tianbao, its way of business also has distinguishing feature very much. Tianbao fame, business is booming, but the boss never finish business exclusive, always think about left adjacent right lane also want to do business. Tianbao provide guests keeping, cooking, for example, but drinks, such as staple food is left to others do, diners to cash to buy drinks staple food to sell, although some not accustomed to, there are complaints, but had to do as the Romans do. Tianbao, moreover, only do business in the evening, at noon is the left right lane, at noon I have several times to dry clear temple buy shrimp for changsha's relatives and friends, is a locked door in front of tianbao, finally left the store bought packaging back to a job in the next room mask house.

Also, tianbao boss also don't take on too much, too, is always to hold a spoon, abide by the duty, seriously do a good job in every dish. Although the business has been popular, but never tried to drive chain, brand. Someone in changsha with the banner of "tianbao shrimp", the boss hurriedly rumours on the Internet, insisted that day alone, there is no branch. I was chatting with tianbao boss, persuaded him to expand the scale, the business bigger and stronger. He is han han smile, said he is satisfied, money is not much.


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No Name Ninja

