Patience will need to become your best friend in the world. Good things come to those who wait! While you are waiting for your luck to come in, try starting a Yahoo Group, Message Board or even a MySpace page dedicated to the launch of your new game. Even if it isn't getting into stores yet, you need to state that it will be in stores soon.
Claiming it is "set to be on shelves everywhere", gives people the idea that you have a "hot item" and they should be the "first" to get in on it. If you are looking for a great hosting place for your website, go to www.freewebs.com, they have an entire gaming community there. Freewebs also has several templates designed just for the "gamer at heart
nuskin hong kong".
Network with other people doing what you are doing, you may find someone who gave up on patience and needs a "partner" CHA-CHING! Gathering help from people who have already been there done that and feel down and out, is the best way to get your product moving at high speed. Most times than not, they have given up and will become excited at a new chance...with a bit of help
nuskin product!