Another week has flown by so quickly. It seems like RH (retired husband) may finally get into a schedule soon. This past week was a busy one for both of us.
I had a haircut and went to the library on Monday.....
RH had lunch with his best friend on Tuesday
media storage furniture.
I had my own doctor's appointment on Wednesday.
I went to the grocery store early on Thursday. RH and I went to his doctor appointment and waited for over an hour that afternoon. Then he had his 2nd chemo treatment and I went to WalMart later that afternoon. I got back just as his chemo treatment was ending. We finally got him checked out and his next appointments scheduled.
Friday, I started the laundry and we went to visit some friends in the afternoon
Asian college of knowledge management.
Today is the housework and laundry for me and RH is busy mowing the lawn and cleaning out the gutters at the big house. Whew! What a lot we had to do this week.
Hopefully next week will not be as active. RH has his third in the series of chemo treatments on Wednesday and a white blood cell shot on Thursday. I will have the usual grocery shopping, laundry and housework on Thursday and Friday. Then the first week of June, he is free from any treatments for the entire week.
By the way, he applied for two cancer grants and was accepted by both so it looks like our out-of-pocket medical expenses will be reimbursed. What a blessing that is
Art Culture!