
In My Dreams

In My Dreams




What a blessing that is

Another week has flown by so quickly. It seems like RH (retired husband) may finally get into a schedule soon. This past week was a busy one for both of us.

I had a haircut and went to the library on Monday.....

RH had lunch with his best friend on Tuesday media storage furniture.

I had my own doctor's appointment on Wednesday.

I went to the grocery store early on Thursday. RH and I went to his doctor appointment and waited for over an hour that afternoon. Then he had his 2nd chemo treatment and I went to WalMart later that afternoon. I got back just as his chemo treatment was ending. We finally got him checked out and his next appointments scheduled.

Friday, I started the laundry and we went to visit some friends in the afternoon Asian college of knowledge management.

Today is the housework and laundry for me and RH is busy mowing the lawn and cleaning out the gutters at the big house. Whew! What a lot we had to do this week.

Hopefully next week will not be as active. RH has his third in the series of chemo treatments on Wednesday and a white blood cell shot on Thursday. I will have the usual grocery shopping, laundry and housework on Thursday and Friday. Then the first week of June, he is free from any treatments for the entire week.

By the way, he applied for two cancer grants and was accepted by both so it looks like our out-of-pocket medical expenses will be reimbursed. What a blessing that is Art Culture!

thank you girls

my eyes go through the words. and i see at the end. it's not one friend, but many. from all over. spread far apart. and the memo line on the cheque reads - camera fund. my eyes get blurry just now even writing that. and i still find myself a bit at a loss for words nu skin. i was so moved. and the gift. yes, of course. the thoughtfulness.. well, it blows me away. that kind of kindness. but even more - - times like this when you feel, and you know, without a doubt.. these people. these friends nuskin hk. they are God in skin to you and it's as if you've seen a glimpse of HIM, because of them. and i just felt tonight i had to say this publicly. for anyone who's had this happen. well, you know. to anyone who's ever felt something laid on your heart - - don't ever underestimate the power it holds. the type of gift doesn't matter nuskin hk. there are gifts we all can give. and when you feel it on your heart.. give. whether words. time. prayer. money. a meal. a smile. a tight hand squeezing understanding. you never know but what you give.. won't cause God to come just a little bit closer to that one because of it. thank you girls. my God in skin kind of friends nu skin

Wedding Shower Conundrum

It’s been two months since I got married and I’m finally getting a belated wedding shower. It’s a relief to know someone out there cares and wants to make sure I get one. I was starting to think that because I eloped, I completely gave up all kind social gestures from the bachelorette party to the bridal shower, but luckily my church thinks I should still get some post ceremony attention. I am glad I am finally going to have people celebrating my marriage with me blackberry phone covers.

The only problem is, they want to get me gifts... What do I tell them I want? I’ve already been asked numerous times what I need or want, and to be honest, there’s not a damn thing we “need.” It’s supposed to be a money tree shower mixed with an “old fashioned pounding” (which is a silly way of saying people are supposed to buy us groceries Claire Hsu).
But I guess that takes the fun out of it for some people who seem offended that we don’t need any more towels or any silverware or dishes. I’ve accumulated a lot of stuff in the three years I’ve lived on my own, so it’s not like we’re building a household from scratch like the other girl from church who is getting married in a situation where they’ve both been living with their parents. The hubby and I have the essentials for our home.
We’ve got the typical shower gifts covered. We want mundane things like cat litter, laundry soap, and dog food. I don't want more junk that's only going to take up space in our little apartment or turn into clutter.

If people insist on giving us something besides groceries and money, what should I tell them we’d like to have company formation china?

marriage has a solid foundation

I have left the “honeymoon phase” and officially begun to loathe one another’s annoying habits and quirky temperaments. You’d think having lived together for several months before saying our vows that there would be no surprises, but that’s the biggest surprise of all. We seem to have lost our gumption to impress each other. He’s turned into a lazy, immature jerk, whereas I’ve become some kind of hoity-toity, overly-emotional nag. He picks on me, I roll my eyes, he makes a snide comment, I bark back with an insult, and before you know it we’re both so frustrated we don’t want to be in the same room. So we’ve questioned why it is we decided to get married. Not in a regretful way, but in a “How did I fall for you of all people?” kind of wayClaire Hsu.

Looking back at my past relationships, there’s been a variety of reasons I’ve ended things with my old boyfriends. Most of them center around me being neglected in the relationship, usually because my someone special was too wrapped up in other things like spending too much time with his negative influencing friends or because he’d rather be partying and drinking than having a cozy night in with me. I’ve been ignored, cheated on, left hanging waiting for a telephone call, and completely blown off before. My hubby would never do those things to meClaire Hsu.

I think my marriage has a solid foundation. The reason behind us getting married is, I think, because we always have each other’s best interests at heart. I want the best for him, just as he wishes me only the best. He shows more regard for my feelings than any man I’ve ever known, and yes, that includes my father. Likewise, I have shown him more kindness and compassion than the other people he’s had in his life. We are truly a team, ready to face things together instead of handling each little problem separately and getting overwhelmedClaire Hsu.

Still, I wish I knew how to resolve the fact that we can’t go one day without one of us ticking the other off..

what has been happening up

That's what has been happening up until now over the past 3 days. I haven't written anything for almost 2 weeks not only because I wanted to go premium on here first, but because I have been pretty busy. Last week I was studying for my 2nd big Astronomy test, i think I did pretty well, I knew most of the questions, and I'm sure I'll get a good grade. We reviewed chapters 6 to 15 last week for the test in Astronomy, and this week we have been talking about nebulae, and the sun. It has been pretty interesting, I love everything about Astronomy waterproof phone case.

Nothing that interesting has happened in English except for we watched this movie about illegal chinese immigrants and did a movie review on the documentary. If I remember correctly it was called "Golden Venture" or something like that. I am still trying to get caught up in English and should be caught up by next week. Things should get easier for me after I get caught up and less confusing. I was having some minor confidence and motivational and procrastination issues which is why this happened. My English professor gives us these calendars that map out what we are going to be doing, so I know what I need to do. The calendars really help when you are behind.

In my Pilates class we have been taking some detours and doing some yoga stuff instead of the regular pilates stuff. Last time I was in the class (on Monday) we had a substitute, he is the guy that teaches the yoga class before the pilates class I have. He had us doing some really painful stretches the WHOLE ENTIRE class period. We held each stretch for 5 minutes or more, it felt kind of good, but it was also painful at the same time. I have been a little stiff this week because I didn't practice last week, never making that mistake again. I'm not sure what we did on Wednesday because I skipped the class. I always have a lot of fun in my Pilates class The best mobile accessories.

In yoga we have been doing the sitting positions like I mentioned before. I still have to get my study guides in in my yoga class, I've been do preoccupied with my other classes I never got around to that.

Anyway, so that is how I am doing in my classes. I think this semester is going to turn out pretty well. I'm not going to get perfect grades like I got last semester, but I'm sure I'll pass.

Ron Paul visited our school last week. I didn't go to the thing, but there were a lot of other people that went to see him. I am not a Ron Paul fan, but apparently a lot of other people that go to my school are.


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No Name Ninja

